Full censoring Black and white & recreating screentones in photoshop
Colored mosaics guide
Color decensor video guide
Black and white example with screentones
Decensoring Basics
The basic flow of any decensoring go something like this.
1. Identify censored areas and use the lasso tool to isolate the area. I also recommend making a duplicate layer of the background at this point.
2. If the censoring is not white, make it white to serve as a clean work area. You may wish to make this into a separate layer so you can reference basic coloring if it is mosaic censoring underneath.
3. Make a new layer and label it as "line art" and draw your lines that you wish to make.
4. In a different layer underneath the line art, draw in the rest of the censored area. For color works you can copy colors from other parts of the picture to use. For black and white, you may copy or wish to make your own screentones (the little dots that are seen if you zoom in close enough).
5. Add shading. Often this means using the dodge and burn tools.
6. Zoom out and see how it looks and make adjustments accordingly to blend things in so it's not so obvious that it was originally censored.
Is there another new decensored video guides ?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see it too xD, new video guide :3
ReplyDeleteSuch a great guide, so detail and all, easy to understand :D
I have not added anything new recently since I think these videos cover all the basics that I use.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWell, it can't be helped then. It's true thats all the basic we need to decensored it. Its just that, I'm still lack of experience when it comes to full color page :3
DeleteEverytime I tried to decensored something, it turn out not really well, more like not beautiful (especially d*ck part) My imagination can go any beyond more than now haha
That's just a matter of practice. I was decensoring off and on for five years before I even considered what I was doing was good enough to post online and show others. (Using references from uncensored or decensored material helps too)
DeleteThough looking back now at some of my first decensors that I posted, I think all of them are really bad based on the standards I have of myself today.
None of us start good at art. I have been doing this for over 15 years and rarely have a day that I don't use photoshop for the last ten years. So if I seem more practiced it is because I have practiced A LOT!
Don't expect good results right off the bat. The important thing is to keep practicing. Other than that, it helps to have a drawing tablet and be practiced with that too. It's like any hand-eye coordination exercise, you get better with practice.
You also start to burn into memory what it should look like after seeing thousands of examples so that helps too. That also comes with practice.
TL/DR- Practice, practice, practice with more practice and a side of practice.
True! he he he.... I knew I still have a long way to go, it's not like I can master it in one night xd
DeleteI'm gonna keep practicing both my skill and imagination, lol.
Please, tell what you think about this....
That pic was my first time decensoring. (It's the first and the only one that went well).
I just randomly pick any pics that I'd to tried. Tho after that first, it's always a failure haha.
I'm still practicing with different kind of art style, and the truth is I still not used to decensoring women's xxx xD still learning though
Just keep at it and don't be afraid to try new things and know all the tools in photoshop to make full use of the program, assuming you use photoshop.
DeleteThe images look pretty good.
Female parts, I think are the most difficult due to the detail and relative complexity. That was another thing that took me years to do well.
In regards to different art styles, that is something I would say I have not completely mastered myself yet. Maybe some particular artists but not all artists. Sometimes I have previous works from an artist that may have been less censored to help as a reference or I sometimes decide to ignore that artist's style and alter things more in my own style if I think it would look substantially better.
At that point though I think is a matter of personal preference.
I see xD
DeleteWell, I'm still not used to photoshop, so hopefully it will get better.
Ikr, female parts, why are you so damn hard .-.
well, perhaps, I too should focusing on some artist, so it will help me see my potential xD
Thanks belldandy, I'm going to practice a lot more :D
Hay! Bell dandy! I saw you on of the 无翼鸟 anime.com and I truly love your work, there was a link in the website which lead me to here. Gosh that anime was posted like back in 2007! I can't believe your still doing this after all these years, but anyways. I love the work you do and hope you keep doing it!
ReplyDeletewhat kind of doujins do you decensore? how can i contact you?
ReplyDeleteI decensor all kinds of doujinshi, manga, still images, sometimes even gifs and games. Contact and commissioning information is listed under the Commission Decensoring tab.
DeleteHi there, sensei!
ReplyDelete1) I would like to know how long you last, on average, descending something, let's say a vagina for example, since in your videos you seem to increase the speed.
2) It would be good if you did a livestream, it can be on PornHub or Xvideos, some platform where they allow sex obviously XD, to see step by step as descents, since as I said above, the videos you put go so fast that it is not seen how to create layers or the instrument that you are using in the process, that if you brush, that if the finger, that if the sponge, that if the sealing loop ... Even if you can't stream, you could upload the videos to these pages.
3) I have started to uncensor some images, but not with photoshop, but with Paint 3D, so I don't know very well how to create layers, in Paint you only overdraw and now, it even has a tool called "magic selection" that is very useful to the Time to eliminate the white or black bars, here are a couple of examples of my first images that I remove the censorship, tell me what you think or believe, thank you very much.
1) It can vary a lot due to the size, level of detail, being black and white/color/with screentones/image quality, etc, the amount of censoring. I guess a rough ball park average would be 10 minutes? But it can range from 1 minute to 30 minutes depending on variables.
Delete2)I've thought about it, but no one has ever asked and file size get huge for high resolution videos that have long play times. Not to mention it doesn't really fit in at basically any video hosting site. Youtube won't allow porn but most people wanting porn won't consider this as porn either since it's more academic than meant for arousal. So I never bothered with it.
It's really not that complicated though, lasso the censored area, white it out (or use main background color if working in color), draw in your draw art using a tablet, add shading (if color) or screentones (if black and white), add white highlights for any shiny or white areas, do any blending you need, and then you're done.
I make a layer for the line art, I make a duplicate background layer so that I can keep an untouched original in case I need to refer back to it, I make a layer for highlights and rarely, I'll do more than that for some more complicated color images if I want to go the extra mile.
The finger is the smudge tool, I use only in color works to blend the parts together as sometimes due to scanning there is a lighting difference around the edges of the censoring. The sponge tool is optional and I sometimes use for shading in color if I need to add saturation or reduce it.
The first image, I don't know what the original looked like but I can't see where the original censoring was so if you decensored it, good job.
The second image it wouldn't let me see. The 3 is still censored and the 4th image has clothes but no signs of censoring.
LOL i forgot this, sorry DX, i'm very bad in english so i need to use Google Traductor, sorry for that...
DeleteI thought that if you were going to make videos they should not necessarily be in 4K, but in 1920x1080 ... I use Camtasia Studio and it is a decent video editor, a half hour video in that resolution can weigh 500MB approx. enough for you to elaborate on your explanation on how to de-censor images.
To upload these videos are PornHub or Xvideos, they are very welcome, I even think you could make an account where they pay you to upload content, but as happens on YouTube you would need many subscribers and at least one video per week, I don't know, really think about it, even make you a patreon or something like that, it would be something "original" that someone decides to help novice artists or similar to how to descend hentai things ...
Because writing is very complicated, even for those who speak English natively, art is like mathematics, it is only understood if they are seen live, not speaking it. For those of us who do not speak English, even if we do not understand verbal explanations very well, if we understand what we are seeing you do with the brush and the selections you make.
I see that you are not a Sankakucomplex user, since you cannot see the lolicon, because only registered or active users can see it, about the other images, yes, in reality they are not so much de-censorship, they are rather editions, now they are almost all corrected:
Anyway, thanks for your hard work as always, cheers!
Hello. Are you still taking commissions? I have some that I want. Willing to pay. Sorry I do not see the tab for contact and commission. Thank you
ReplyDeleteI am no longer taking commissions, so I took down the commission tab. I'd rather decensor my own requests for a while.
DeleteSir you do nobles work i salute you. Sir can you decensored Bricola 7 please
ReplyDeleteWow that's great, this page is still active, I must say your work is the best, are there more pages dedicated to uncensored manga? I read that they no longer accept orders and I would like to know if there are other pages like this? I hope he answers :(, although he probably won't :/
ReplyDeleteHey sir. Do you still accept orders?